Harrison Baird


Welcome to my third act.  If you can sing along with every song from Frampton Comes Alive you are most likely in your third act as well.  Do You Feel Like We Do takes on a new meaning now.  If this statement makes you smile you have landed in the right place.  In the theatre the third act is the big one.  The plot reaches its climax and the characters start to make sense, their secrets at last revealed.  Life is not that tidy.  Most of our third act secrets are best left uncovered.  They give us something to savor later during the epilogue.  Third act wisdom frees us from the need for everything to make sense.  If our characters have to make sense so do we and where is the fun in that?

So here we are friends.  Our babies have long grown and now have their own babies with their own boomers.  In our rearview mirror we see: Watergate, disco, pet rocks, Ford Pintos, black light posters, big hair, new record albums wrapped in shiny cellophane.  Through our windshield we face the road ahead...and, well...it will probably be virtual and windshields will be obsolete soon anyway.  I invite you to peer with me through the side windows and take some time to appreciate the view before the condos go up.

This space is for all of us who dream and want to find and share the little challenges and joys in simply being.  If you were born after the boomer generation you are welcome here too, even if you don’t know Peter Frampton.  Come on in and don’t be shy.  You’ll need to know this stuff.  We are all riding this great carousel.  It takes us out in a wide circle, but it is a circle and always brings us home.  All we really need to do is hold on...together.  We got this!



“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life.  When I went to school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I wrote down, ‘happy’.  They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”

                                                                             John Lennon



The Story So Far